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My Mission

To guide, empower and inspire as many people as possible to unlock their physical potential and self confidence to live their best life.

My Vision

I imagine a world where more people understand how to take control of their

body and mind for a better quality of life.

What Do I Do?

I help people recover physically and mentally from unhealed injuries and trauma through empathetic, supportive and non-judgemental coaching.​​​
Through my extensive experience as a personal trainer, rehab specialist, and now as a recovery coach, my sessions tend to have a blend of physical exercises, active listening and talking through practical advice, whatever is required in each session.​​​

Who Do I Help?

My coaching is suitable for men and women of all ages, however, typically because of the holistic nature of my work, the majority of my clients are ladies between the ages of 30 and 65.​

What Is The Outcome For You?

Alongside physical recovery, you will gain emotional resilience, mental clarity, support and knowledge.​​​

Why Will My Work Be Different For You?

Traditional therapies focus on treating your symptom(s) in isolation of the rest of your body and you as an individual. My empathetic, nonjudgmental approach allows me to explore the physical, psychological, emotional, and environmental factors in connection with one another to provide a truly holistic solution.

How Do I Help People Online?

You don't need expensive machines and spacious gyms to feel, look and live better. What you need is support and guidance from an experienced professional.

Because I don't need to place my hands on you, my work in person and online is exactly the same. â€‹â€‹

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